Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Simon Says Stamp Gratitude Blog Hop and Charity Donation

Hello everyone!
I was so excited when I was asked to be a part of this amazing blog hop today, hosted by Simon Says Stamp. It's all about gratitude, and along with sharing what we are grateful for, each crafter on the hop has designed some yummy cards with a gratitude theme. Fun right? 
What are you thankful for? Personally, I couldn't be more grateful this year. I have been blessed with the most wonderful little daughter who brings me happiness beyond measure every day. 
So... I have created two gratitude themed cards for the hop today.  First up, a floral friendship card featuring a gorgeous flower from Simon Says' Always and Forever set and a sentiment from their elegant Handwritten Sentiments set. The papers are from My Mind's Eye's Lucky in Love 6 x 6 pad. I had some fun cutting out those tiny dots in the centre of the flower. ;)
And second, a VERY pink and sparkly Thank You card, featuring a stamp from the You Can Do Anything set. I stamped it in Neon Pink ink, adding little silver gems to the centre of each star. The pink paper is also from MME's Lucky in Love pad. And that yummy ribbon, it's HERE.
And on to the exciting part! I will be giving away a $50 donation to the charity of a commenter's choice. Just leave a comment saying what you are most grateful for and you will be entered in the drawing. After the winner is chosen Simon Says Stamp will be in touch with you to find out the charity you have chosen. We will draw winners on Wednesday 11/28.

AND, this Friday Simon Says Stamp will offer a Black Friday discount code to its customers for 35% off selected items in the store. But blog hoppers get the code early for stopping by my blog! Click HERE to see the items that are included in the sale. Enter SIMONBF35 in the Promotion Code box (be sure to use all CAPS) and you will get 35% off of those items. Happy Shopping!

Thanks for visiting! The next stop in the Simon Says Stamp Gratitude Blog Hop is the amazing Lisa Addesa. If while hopping, you encounter a broken link, you can go back to the beginning for links to everyone who is participating in the hop.

Bye for now, and thanks for visiting.


email: said...

These cards are so gorgeous, Lucy! I love the touches of stitching and soft colors :)

Have a great day!
Simon Says Stamp!

Debby said...

That flower is stunning Lucy! I'm now wondering how long it took you to cut the tiny centre dots out! It was worth it though. Love the neon and bling on your pink card too :)

Ustvarjalni utrinki Tamara P. said...

Lucy hi,
you did a beautiful card.
I write what I am grateful: Last December, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl and so is my older son became a proud big brother. I am thankful for the family-child who are my greatest treasure. And I pray for all couples who want a child to make them succeed and to be grateful for them like me. From Slovenia with Love Tamara

Nancy L. said...

Congrats again on your beautiful Daughter!
I'm thankful for my healthy family!

blupixy said...

Love your cards! Thanks for sharing!

Jana said...

Just gorgeous Lucy! said...

I am grateful for so many things that it's hard to choose just one. But I'm most thankful that as a believer in Christ, I am Saved.

Anna-Karin said...

These cards are so sweet Lucy! Great design and wonderful colours.

Larissa Heskett said...

LOVE the AMAZING cards!! THANKS for sharing them with us!! AWESOME!! Can’t wait to go shopping!! =) Well I am THANKSFUL most for my health and second for my BEAUTIFUL FAMILY and FRIENDS!! I am SO BLESSED to be aliive everyday and I am looking forward to a LONG Life!! Have a FABULOUS THANKSGIVING!! =)
If I win I’d like to donate to the Crohn’s Disease Organization!! THANKS for the chance to help!!

RedGem said...

Wow.. what beautiful cards. Tku for the opportunity to win some $s for my favorite charity... St Jude!

The Steigmeiers said...

I am thankful for my family and the blessings that they bring into my life.


Tkat said...

hi there! love your cards. :) i'm now a follower of your blog. very clean and crisp...and not too busy! just the way i like it. :) gonna be back for inspiration :)

i'm most grateful for family. they play such a huge role in my life...and i love knowing there's always somewhere there i can count on no matter what. i'm truly blessed :)

have a blessed day :)

hugs, divinity

Virginia L. said...

Beautiful cards, Lucy! I love the stitching that you added--a signature of yours for sure! And the pink card is gorgeous and again---so pink and so you:) I'm thankful for this hobby as I got to know amazing card makers like you!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous cards! I love the bright pink one! I am most thankful for my husband who has provided continuous support in encouraging me to achieve my dreams.

Anonymous said...

I love both of your cards. I always love the way you do your cards, clean, crisp and simple. Im grateful for my family most of all as they keep me going. Im working overseas and at times I miss them but with today's technology, its easier to keep in touch and communicate.

Carin said...

Such beautiful cards. I'm most grateful that in our family we are most of the time healthy and happy. And that I have two wonderful kids and a wonderful hubby.

Holly said...

I am thankful for so many things in life! First of all, for my Lord who gets us through this earth each day and in the end will take us to Heaven if we are found faithful! Also, for my husband of 11 years and counting and my two wonderful children! Thanks for your very cute cards today!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards!

I am grateful for my family and my faith.

Pitchoune said...

lovely cards, bye from France

Unknown said...

Those are awesome cards, love the pink one. I'm so thankful for this last year too. It has had many changes that I didn't think I could make it through but with Gods strength and grace we came out better on the other side.

Kristie Maynard said...

Lovely cards! Love all that pink!
I'm thankful for my creativity, it brings me tons of joy.

Lorraine A said...

Gorgeous cards Lucy :-) both of them are fabulous ! :-)

I am thankful for my family and friends, and to the internet for giving us all this opportunity to 'meet' people from around the world and have a lovely get together like this :-)

Lols x x x

Crystal said...

Watching my parents age and deal with health problems is sometimes a struggle. I am thankful that they are still with me and cherish the time together.

Pat said...

These cards are great!

I'm most grateful for family. I have a great husband and 2 boys...they fill my heart with love and laughter. And, above all, I'm grateful to God for giving me these blessings.

Kelly said...

I am grateful for God's Many blessings including a great husband and two crazy adorable boys!

Marianne said...

Love the cards and I admire you for your patience cutting out those dots LOL. My husband and I have so much to be thankful for. With my translation work all year round and my husband's (Dutch) pension, we don't have to scrape by like many ordinary Greeks and friends from other nationalities around us. I can even afford to hop over to Simon Says Stamp to check out the special offers...
Marianne x

Unknown said...

I am grateful for having a good job and great friends and family. Beautiful cards!

Sue D said...

Wonderful cards! I am most grateful for my family--husband, 4 boys, 2 daughter-in-laws and 4 fantastic grandchildren!

LauraJane:) said...

Wonderful stitching on both your cards Lucy!
I am most gradeful for the good Health of my family!

Barb said...

I am most grateful for freedom

Anonymous said...

The cards are so pretty. I am thankful for my family, and all of my blessings! Pat K

BarbG said...

As always, your cards are absolutely GORGEOUS! Thank you so much for your inspiration!
Aside from my family, I am grateful for all the wonderful friendships that I've been blessed with!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Miriam Prantner said...

Beautiful cards! Love your CAS style! My favorite is the first one, love that flower!

Maryann Laursen said...

Wonderful cards Lucy. I´m most grateful for my loving family and we can all be together very often.

bzyPTmom said...

Beautiful cards--love them both! I am so thankful for my wonderful family, I'm so blessed to have them.

cm said...

Gorgeous cards that certainly brightened my day. I'm grateful for my family (wish they lived closer), and my amazing husband. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

Kathy said...

Stunning cards my friend!! Love the soft colors and the beautiful silver thread. I enjoy following y our tweets and think of you and your beautiful family all the time. Big Hugs, Kathy

Deirdre said...

Both are beautiful Lucy.

fusiafscrapping said...

I love those images... very beautiful. And so is your card. :)
I'm grateful for my family (hubby and three sons)

Pajalu said...

Lucy your two cards are so beautifully done. I love them both. My two girls & my husband are what I am so grateful for. Love my little family. I'm also grateful to my online blogging buddies.

Sarah J Moerman said...

Gorgeous cards, Lucy! You are the paper-piecing queen! Amazing! I love how fun the pink card is too!

Kathy H said...

Very pretty cards and, yes, I love that pink ribbon!
I am most grateful for my wonderful husband but I have SO much to be thankful for.

conil said...

Super cards. Think I'm gonna have try one of them with my own twist. Great design

Barbara said...

Love your cards. They are beautiful! If I have to name one thing I am most greateful for it would have to be my wonderful family!!!

jasann said...

what a lovely card. I am grateful that I had 46 years married to my wonderful husband before he passed away a short 5 weeks ago.

judy said...

Daughters are a wonderful blessing! I am grateful for my husband, daughter and good friends!

Sandy Rizzo said...

Gorgeous cards. Thanks for sharing.

Amy s K. said...

Your cards are beautiful! I'm very thankful for my family.

Renee V said...

Oh how I love that pink card!!! And the ribbon is to die for~~! I am grateful for my 5 year old beautiful daughter, my job and the roof over our heads.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for the opportunity to possibly win money for my favorite charity! Thanks

Renee V said...

Sorry if I already left a comment, can't remember if I clicked submit! These cards are both gorgeous, always love your stitching and CAS designs! The pink one is my fave! I am grateful for my beautiful 5 year old daughter, our home, and my job :)

Pam said...

I love your cards! That pink is fab. I am so grateful for my family. I am the oldest of nine, so my family is quite large. We lost our mom in June, so I'm so thankful we will be together to get through the holidays.

Adriana Marquez said...

Lovely cards! I'm so very grateful for my wonderful husband!

Carol L said...

Your cards are both phenomenal!! I love that pink striped ribbon and how perfectly it matches the cardstock! I love the stitching on your first card with those pretty blues too!

Wendance Designs said...

Beautiful cards!!! I am grateful for all the support from family, friends and especially new friends that have helped me through this difficult year.

Discover the Silver Lining said...

Wonderful cards! I am grateful for my faith and my family.

Sue McRae said...

Love the fun girly pink card! I'm most grateful for all my family and friends and that it's been a healthy and happy year for everyone.

Diana N. said...

Fantastic theme for this blog hop. I'm grateful for lifelong friends.

Jessrose21 said...

Lovely cards! I like your clean style. I'm thankful that I always have enough to eat and never have to worry about having a roof over my head.

Ava Gavloski said...

two perfect cards, so well designed and perfectly showcasing the stamps
ava g

Katie said...

I love your cards. Thanks you for sharing your talents!

Amanda said...

I am really grateful for the love of my family.

Amanda said...

I am really grateful for the love of my family and friends.

Dixie Cochran said...

Beautiful cards, Lucy! I'm grateful for faith, freedom, and family!

byAnnette said...

Pretty Cards!

I am grateful for my salvation and fun healthy family!

Phyllis Beaver said...

I am definitely grateful for family and friends, but also for bloggers like all of you who share their ideas and knowledge so freely! Thank you! Your cards are beautiful! Each so different—both striking!

Dana Desmond said...

I'm most grateful for my loving family.

Anonymous said...

I am most thankful for my family and friends.

Sheryl said...

Beautiful cards! I'm thankful my parents are in good health.

Court said...

I am greatful for the smiles I get everyday from my kids and husband

Gwen said...

Such cute cards, love the brilliant colors!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards.

I am grateful to be able to spend more time with my elderly horse, Jordan.


Unknown said...

I am grateful for. my church family. they have brought me so much joy and comfort over the last year.

Deneen said...

I am most thankful this year that we became foster parents to our cousins 13 year old daughter and that our home will be her forever home!

walchowDesign said...

Love both cards and your stitching is amazing! I am grateful that I have a healthy family and able to enjoy this cardmaking hobby!

Unknown said...

I am grateful for my family and friends who accept me as I am

Round About Stamps said...

Your cards are clean lined, colorful And beautiful. The transmission went out on my vehicle this Saturday. I didn't know what we were going to do. Its older and found out it was just going to be just too costly too fix. My hubby was going to have to work 6 days this week so we weren't going to be able to get anything else and I was afraid I was going to have to quit my new job. I'M thankful for my husbands boss that let him off work yesterday. I'm thankful for the car dealer that got us approved for a loan (even though we have bad credit) and with a payment we can afford. I'm thankful for my husband for picking out the perfect vehicle for me...even though I was at work. I'm thankful that my problems are small compared to a neighbor who has to remodel her house because the floors are giving out...has no insulation...handicapped child...and a vehicle that can only be driven a few minutes and then has to cool down for hours before it can be driven again. I'm grateful for Good who gives us 2nd 3rd and 4th chances...happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Janet said...

I am thankful for my faith and family and friends and all the many blessings I have been graced with! God bless!

Cute cards!

paperscissorsink said...

Lovely cards, I especially like the blue one. Happy Thanksgiving!

Irene said...

Thanks for sharing! I am so grateful for the people who have touched my life and made it richer.

Kelly Booth said...

So PRETTY Lucy!! I especially like the Pink One as you do Pink so Well.....xo

lauraleigh said...

Beautiful cards! I am most thankful that God loved us enough to make a way for us to be His forever, in spite of our failures, giving freely of His mercy & grace!!

Christi said...

I am grateful for a wonderful husband, a happy family and a new job that starts on Monday. I'd love the chance to give a donation from Simon Says to my favorite charity, the Relay for Life. We hold two crops each year to raise money for the Relay.

Dana D. said...

I'm always grateful for family and friends. Your cards are terrific.

Chrissie said...

Thanks so much for participating in the blog hop. I have so much I am grateful for, but most importantly, my friends, my family, my job and my home. Blessings to all.

Jayne said...

Pretty card. I'm most grateful for health, spiritually, physically, and mentally.

Doris said...

Like the first Pilgrims, I'm grateful for the Lord's protection and provision throughout the year, especially during Hurricane Sandy.

pcm said...

quintessential lucy :) I am grateful for my son who puts life in perspective for me every day :)

. said...

Though simple looking, but it's just as perfect as it should be. When can I ever do such a nice card. haha. Well, anyways, I'm grateful for the people around me. Thank God for letting nice people cross my path of life. I am still learning to cherish and appreciate every single person and actions that they have done. (:

Unknown said...

what am i most grateful for? besides my son, it's my amazing family of friends...

Kathy S said...

I'm grateful for all the wonderful ideas that all the artists provide. Thanks.

simplybren said...

Love both the cards. Like the bright cheery colors!

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

Such Beautiful cards. Smooches...

Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

ooops, forgot to add to my comment earlier. I'm thankful for... family & close friends. Smooches...

Ruth G said...

Your cards are lovely and I'm so excited about the fantastic prize (giving a lot of thought to which charity I'd send the money to!) I'm grateful for the love and good health of my family and friends! This is the time of year when I feel it the most and have the most fun creating, visiting and sharing with them! Thanks so much for your generosity!!!

Erin (Homemade Cards by Erin) said...

Love the flower in blue, I'm thankful for inspiring crafters like you :)

Loly Borda said...

Lovely cards! I'm not a 'pink' girl but I love your pink card. I'm vary grateful for my family and for a Mission trip to Honduras that I made this year. Thanks for the chance.

MNJackson said...

Blessed for such talented crafters who love to teach. Thank you :)

Kelley said...

I'm thankful that no matter how bad things get, God cares! Last night we hit a deer. I told DH we can be thankful the airbags didn't deploy. The damage to the grill and bumper were enough.

Your cards are adorable. The bling on the pink one just adds to the neon pink!

Mary-Anne V said...

Beautiful the repeated sentiment on the pink card.

MaRyKaY said...

gorgeous cards. thanks for sharing said...

I am most thankful for the patience & resolve my husband has shown this last year. Earlier in the year he experienced a work related injury, injuring his back. Surgery was unsuccessful and he has suffered daily ever since. Still, he doesn't let it get to him. He takes it all in stride, hoping & praying for pain free days. Not sure I could be as strong as him with all that he’s been through. I’m thankful for my strong man.

ancha said...

A few weeks ago there were big floods in our country and many people lost everything they had, so in that moments you learn to cherish every little thing you have, because you know there are so many in need out there. So I’m thankful for everyone that helped those who were affected by the disasters, it gave me hope that we can still find unity in these hard times.

NatQuebec said...

Nice cards !!

downrightcrafty said...

utterly gorgeous eye candy and love the pink, I am so blessed to have so many blogging friends and a wonderfully supportive husband
Hugs Kate xx

Becky said...

What a gorgeous pink card. Love the paper and ribbon.